I just got back from the fall retreat in the states this afternoon,
and I really enjoyed it.
and I really enjoyed it.
Praise the Lord for speaking again to me!
The topic this time was still on "God's Salvation in Exodus".
In Message one, We come to
"The experiences at Marah and Elim",
"The experiences at Marah and Elim",
where the children of Israel were in the wilderness.
I enjoyed that the wilderness signifies "a place of separation" and "resurrection".
And that also in this realm of resurrection, there is no natural water,
no natural supply,where we only have Christ.Marah means "bitter", indicating that as we walk into this realm
of resurrection, God will lead us to a place of bitterness.
of resurrection, God will lead us to a place of bitterness.
This really reminds me of my situation, I have a lot of pressure
on schoolwork and I really do feel really bitter and depressed all the time,
on schoolwork and I really do feel really bitter and depressed all the time,
but praise the Lord that I am entering into the realm of resurrection!
Although I am in such a situation,
I need to see the tree the healed the bitter waters!
I need to see the tree the healed the bitter waters!
I need to apply the cross to my circumstances,
and this healing tree will heal my situation and
turn the bitter waters sweet.
and this healing tree will heal my situation and
turn the bitter waters sweet.
Message two talks about
"God's intention to reconstitute his redeemed people
through a change of diet".
"God's intention to reconstitute his redeemed people
through a change of diet".
When the children of Israel were still eating the Egyptian food,
they were just the same as the Egyptians, thus they were not qualified for the
they were just the same as the Egyptians, thus they were not qualified for the
building up of the tabernacle as God's habitation of earth.
This matter really exposed and reminded me, that I am still taking in this
Egyptian diet as my food instead of the unique heavenly manna.
Egyptian diet as my food instead of the unique heavenly manna.
But praise the Lord that God's intention is to reconstitute us with
Christ himself, so that we could be his dwelling place.
Christ himself, so that we could be his dwelling place.
Also, I enjoyed that we need to be exposed of our worldly condition,
then the Lord would send forth manna.
then the Lord would send forth manna.
Lord Jesus, change my diet into you
as my heavenly manna, so I would be full of you!
as my heavenly manna, so I would be full of you!
Message three is about "Drinking and flowing the water of life".
I was really touched that all the time when the children of Israel
were traveling in the wilderness,
were traveling in the wilderness,
Christ was always there as a rock following them, waiting to flow out
as water to supply them.
as water to supply them.
The Lord does not forces us to take him in, instead, he is always there
for us to supply us as the living water,
for us to supply us as the living water,
we just need to simply turn to him and drink of him.
I also learned that how important our thirst for the Lord is.
That if we wish to maintain our thirst, we need to keep flowing to keep
drinking, and
the more we spend time in his presence,
the more water we will get from the Lord.
That if we wish to maintain our thirst, we need to keep flowing to keep
drinking, and
the more we spend time in his presence,
the more water we will get from the Lord.
The last message is on " The continual war with Amalek".
Right after the children of Israel were eating and drinking the Lord
as their living water, immediately came Amalek, which is our flesh.
as their living water, immediately came Amalek, which is our flesh.
I was touched that the foundation of our problem is that we're empty,
not of our spirit.
not of our spirit.
I also really enjoyed that God did not destroy Amalek, our flesh once
and for all,but had the children of Israel to fight a "CONTINUAL"
war with Amalek.
and for all,but had the children of Israel to fight a "CONTINUAL"
war with Amalek.
The flesh is always with us, and there is no way we can totally
destroy it. If we are not in our spirit, we are in our flesh.
So we need to turn to our spirits in order to flee from the flesh!
destroy it. If we are not in our spirit, we are in our flesh.
So we need to turn to our spirits in order to flee from the flesh!
And I also enjoyed how we fight with this flesh, Moses' hand and
Joshua's sword.
Joshua's sword.
We need to have a prayer life and to have the word of God abiding in
us in order to overcome this flesh!
us in order to overcome this flesh!
I was really touched that why God had us to fight this flesh continually.
It is to remind us, and to cause us to turn back to him, and to our spirits!
It is to remind us, and to cause us to turn back to him, and to our spirits!
May the words of God become in us a fire, and abides in us
to eternity.
to eternity.
The last thing I want to share with you is about
the Special fellowshipwhich touched me the most.
the Special fellowshipwhich touched me the most.
Brother Chris Wilde came to talk about the history and the heritage
we havein the Lord's recovery, about the testimonies of
we havein the Lord's recovery, about the testimonies of
brother watchman Nee and witness Lee.
The history is not for us to know where we once were,
but where we are going.
but where we are going.
He first talked to us about the "Divine Stream" that links the whole
Bible together from Genesis 2 to Revelation 21.
Bible together from Genesis 2 to Revelation 21.
It once flowed, and is now keep on flowing to the New Jerusalem,
to the throne of God and of the Lamb.
to the throne of God and of the Lamb.
He used an analogy about this stream as an arrow, that at the
beginning of this stream it was wide, and many people were in it,
beginning of this stream it was wide, and many people were in it,
but as it flows to the end, it becomes more and more narrow, and
at the end is the Throne of God.
at the end is the Throne of God.
He asked us,
"Do you want to be at the start of this arrow,
or, at the edge of this arrow?"
"Do you want to be at the start of this arrow,
or, at the edge of this arrow?"
I was really touched by this matter.
And then he talked about the the Lord's recovery,
about the publications of the LSM.
about the publications of the LSM.
Most of the publications from LSM was written by Brother Nee
and brother lee,he said how many people accused us of
"following" these two brothers.
and brother lee,he said how many people accused us of
"following" these two brothers.
But praise the Lord that we are not doing such things,
We are not just blindly following them, we are seeing what they saw!
We are not just blindly following them, we are seeing what they saw!
We see the same vision, the same Christ! :)
Brother Chris also told us the testimony of Brother Nee when he
was in prison.He was not able to preach to gospel to this brother wu,
not allowed to say
was in prison.He was not able to preach to gospel to this brother wu,
not allowed to say
a word about God, so he just lived out the gospel.
There are still a lot of things that I enjoyed, but I really have to go
and studyfor my math test tomorrow, which I dont really quite get
it now,
and studyfor my math test tomorrow, which I dont really quite get
it now,
and I'm really worried.
But Lord Jesus, thank you for all these problems
that I have now,
cause me to turn to you more and to experience
you more through all of these
that I have now,
cause me to turn to you more and to experience
you more through all of these
difficulties! Lord Jesus I love you!
At last, I want to share with you a hymn we sang before this
special fellowship,I really enjoyed it~so please do read through it!!
special fellowship,I really enjoyed it~so please do read through it!!
1 In this godless age,
Lord, you need some Samuels
Burdened with a vision clear of Your economy.
Where’s Your ark today?
And the ones who’d care for You,
E’en to put themselves aside to gain Your heart’s desire?
Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites,
Prophets, priests, and judges and men of prayer,
Speaking forth Your word, with Your authority,
A photo of Your heart for Your move.
2 Train us up today,
Full of vision, seeking You,
We’d await Your timing, fully subject to Your will,
Treasuring Your face,
Staying in Your presence, Lord;
E’en the very index of Your eyes would we obey.
Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites,
To bring in Your kingdom on earth today,
Taking You as King that You may return,
To usher in the end of the age.
3 When God wants to move,
He must gain an instrument;
Overcomers separated from the current age,
They have joined themselves
Through His word to His desire
Overcomers constituted with the holy word.
Raise up some to meet Your need, some Nazarites,
Voluntary consecrated ones,
Who through Your word are joined to Your desire;
Your living testimony on the earth.
4 God needs men who pray;
Those who lay the tracks for Him;
God’s economy is carried out through men of prayer.
They love not themselves;
But a willing sacrifice,
What they fear—offending God, losing His presence dear.
Make us those who meet Your need, the Nazarites,
Make us those through whom You’d close this age;
Who are one with You to bring the kingdom in,
Young people absolute for Your move![]() | in this godless age.wma 3496K 下載 |
I really thank the Lord that I was born in such a family, that I have parents who love and serve the Lord,
and I pray to him that Me, Jasper and Victor would also be gained by him for his economy, that we become those
who love him and his purpose!
Although we are in different places, but we are one in spirit and we are enjoying the same Christ everyday!
May the Lord gain us all little by little!
Love Your daughter,
回覆刪除*I am so happy to see our daughter loving the Lord !
May the Lord gain her as well as Jasper and Victor !
~(Mark & Rebecca)
*I am so touched and encouraged by Deborah's email.
I believe that Lord has prepared this generation for Hiscoming back. Amen.
~(Edward W, Irvin,U.S.A)
*Great to hear that dear sister Deborah touched the Lord so much during the retreat.
All the hardship in school and being away from home made her grow both mentally and spiritually.
Our Lord is indeed a wonderful savior!
~(欣瑜, Hall 1,Taipei)