- ~呼求主的名不僅是我們得救的祕訣,
- 也是我們得享主豐富的祕訣!
- 『因為“凡呼求主名的,就必得救。 』
- ~從人類第三代以挪士開始......
- All English children call Him, "Lord,"
And all the Spanish say, "Senor,"
With all the Germans who call Him, "Herr."
They are calling His name everywhere. - "O Shuyo," call the Japanese,
"O Tju Ah," echo the Chinese,
"O Hallelujah," they all exclaim.
In each land they are praising His Name. - Children are meeting in Brazil,
Canada, Mexico, Taiwan,
England, New Zealand, and Germany.
Hear them all, as they sing joyfully.
hymnal.net/Children Songs
『"For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, for the same Lord is Lord of all and rich to" all who call upon Him".』(Romans 10:12)
『因為猶太人和希利尼人並沒有分別,眾人同有一位主,祂對一切呼求祂的人是1豐富的。(羅10:12)因為“凡1呼求主名的,就必2得救。" 』(羅10:12)
10章12節 註1 | |||||
這指明神在基督裡揀選我們,救贖我們,稱義又聖別我們, 模成且榮耀我們,都是要我們得享祂在基督裡那追測不盡的 豐富。(弗三8。)得享的祕訣乃是呼求祂的名。
10章13節 註2 | |
意指被帶進對主之豐富的享受裡。主對猶太人和希利尼人, 都是豐富的。所有呼求主名的人,都享受這位豐富的主,使 他們被祂充滿而彰顯祂。 《網上聖經─聖經恢復本》 http://www.recoveryversion.com.tw/Style0A/026/read_List.php?f_BookNo=45&f_ChapterNo=10&f_VerseNo=12#12 We may be of different colours, race, language, locality, but when we call on the Lord together, we all are the same! This song is really good! I remember singing it in children's meeting, but I still enjoy it today! The Lord's name is rich to ALL who call!! No matter what language, or where we are! :D Praise the Lord! (Apr. 13, 2009Lydia LiuHamilton, New Zealand) |